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German shepherd is still top dog for police work, written in the UK By John Steele,...Read more
Author: Alexander Gonta Many people have asked me: "how long does it take to train a...Read more
In dog training and puppy training, there has to be a training plan. The Plan...Read more
В последнее время в разных форумах все чаще можно встретить рассуждения на тему «рабочие качества...Read more
Working qualities of a German Shepherd Dog is often debated and discussed. Recently, in various...Read more
Once you have taught your dog to track methodically, usually using food in every footstep,...Read more
Many of the familiar problems we encounter in tracking such as overrunning articles, overrunning corners,...Read more
By Werner Rapien Why do animals behave very differently yet react very similarly in certain situations? What...Read more
Tracking - Building Blocks and Beyond: Part II by Floyd Wilson This article represents the fourth installment...Read more
The "Verein Fur Deutsche Shaferhunde" or SV, is a single-breed registry and the parent...Read more